Finding Your Next Home in 5 Easy Steps

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, shopping for a new home can feel daunting. In fact, 56% of buyers said that “finding the right property” was the most difficult step in the home buying process.1  Buying a home is a significant commitment of both time and money. And a home purchase has […]

Should You Take Advantage of Your Home Equity?

A Homeowner’s Guide Homeownership offers many advantages over renting, including a stable living environment, predictable monthly payments, and the freedom to make modifications. Neighborhoods with high rates of homeownership have less crime and more civic engagement. Additionally, studies show that homeowners are happier and healthier than renters, and their children do better in school.1  Most […]

What is Homestead And Who Qualifies For An Exemption

Why Homestead Matters   Many believe that new homebuyers are the only ones who are in “need” for information when it comes to “homestead”. In reality, most homeowners, not just first time home buyers, should  be “in the know”.  If that is not enough, the best part of this is that this information is not […]

The “Residential Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement”

Every buyer of real estate is asking “What is an Agency Agreement", and why do I have to sign anything?” Sellers are asking the question too, but for some reason, they seem to know more about this side of the equation, having already bought a property, therefore going through the home selling-buying process at least once.
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