To: All It Whom Concern

From: Etzel Enterprises LLC / Independent Connections LLC

This is to give you notice that your real estate broker is doing business as ETZEL ENTERPRISES L.L.C. (and ALL Affiliated trade names) and INDEPENDENT CONNECTIONS L.L.C., has business relationships with various companies providing real estate settlement services. Your broker or its owners have direct or indirect ownership interests in all the following companies, in the approximate percentages listed below. Because of these relationships, this referral may provide your broker or its owners a financial or other benefit. You are NOT required to use these providers as a condition for the purchase or sale of the Subject Property. THERE ARE FREQUENTLY OTHER SETTLEMENT SERVICE PROVIDERS AVAILABLE WITH SIMILAR SERVICES. YOU ARE FREE TO SHOP AROUND TO DETERMINE THAT YOU ARE RECEIVING THE BEST SERVICES AND THE BEST RATE FOR THESE SERVICES.

Below is a list of the businesses owned by INDEPENDENT CONNECTIONS L.L.C., and/or ETZEL ENTERPRISES L.L.C. (100%) and an estimated charge or range of charges for their services:

Mortgage Services: Alliance Mortgage and Apex Commercial Lending and Gokapital Commercial Lending.

Lending Services:

• Discount point fees charge or range of charges 0-5% of the loan amount depending on the rate you have chosen.

I/We have read this disclosure form and understand the ETZEL ENTERPRISES L.L.C. and/or INDEPENDENT CONNECTIONS L.L.C. is referring me/us to purchase one or more of the above- described sePlement services and may receive a financial or other benefit as the result of this referral.

By checking the box to submit my information, I/we acknowledge that I/we have read this disclosure form and understand that Independent Connections and/or Independent Realty is referring me/us to purchase the above-described settlement service(s) and may receive a financial or other benefit as the result of this referral.

(Last updated May 31st, 2023)